Sunday, January 19, 2025

Jenny Manrique

James Webb es solo la punta del iceberg en la exploración espacial

Los planes para devolver a los humanos a la Luna son uno de los próximos grandes esfuerzos tras el lanzamiento del telescopio de James Webb.

El futuro de 11 millones de inmigrantes está en manos del Senado

Clockwise from top left: Theresa Cardinal Brown, Managing Director of Immigration andCross-border Policy, Bipartisan Policy Center; Joseph Villela, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Coalition...

The fate of 11 million immigrants is in the hands of the Senate

Clockwise from top left: Theresa Cardinal Brown, Managing Director of Immigration andCross-border Policy, Bipartisan Policy Center; Joseph Villela, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Coalition...

바이든 행정부 미국 구출계획 통과로 세금환급 일정 변경

왼쪽부터 수잔 사이먼 IRS 소득투자부 홍보 교육 소비자지원국장, 켄 코빈 IRS 소득투자부서 커미셔너 세금보고 마감일 5월 17일로 연장, 작년 실업수당 비과세 혜택 결정, 이미 세금보고...

El plan de rescate estadounidense y sus impuestos: esto es lo que necesita saber

From left to right: Susan Simon, Director, Customer Assistance, Relationships and Education, Wage and Investment Division, Internal Revenue Service; Kenneth Corbin, Commissioner, Wage and...

The American Rescue Plan and your taxes: What you need to know

From left to right: Susan Simon, Director, Customer Assistance, Relationships and Education, Wage and Investment Division, Internal Revenue Service; Kenneth Corbin, Commissioner, Wage and...

Demora en resultados del censo amenaza redistribución de distritos en 2021

From left to right: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Leah C. Aden, Deputy Director of...

Delay in census results threatens 2021 redistricting

From left to right: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Leah C. Aden, Deputy Director of...

Vacunación masiva busca ganarle la carrera a las nuevas cepas de COVID-19

From left to right: Nirav R. Shah, MD, MPH, Senior Scholar, Stanford University’s School of Medicine; Dr. Kim Rhoads, UCSF; Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras; Dr....

Mass vaccination seeks to win the race against new strains of COVID-19

From left to right: Nirav R. Shah, MD, MPH, Senior Scholar, Stanford University’s School of Medicine; Dr. Kim Rhoads, UCSF; Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras; Dr....

La deuda estudiantil es la nueva crisis de derechos civiles. ¿Ayudará su cancelación?

From left to right: Representative Ro Khanna, California’s 17th Congressional District, United States House of Representatives; Kat Welbeck, Civil Rights Counsel, Student Borrower Protection...

Student debt robs young people of their dreams. Will debt cancellation help?

From left to right: Representative Ro Khanna, California’s 17th Congressional District, United States House of Representatives; Kat Welbeck, Civil Rights Counsel, Student Borrower Protection...

COVID-19 alimenta la amenaza de hambruna global

Clockwise from top left: Steve Ravarella, Senior Spokesperson for the UN World Food Programme; Parul Sachdeva, Country Advisor in India for Give2Asia; Elio Rujano,...

COVID-19 fuels the threat of global famine

Clockwise from top left: Steve Ravarella, Senior Spokesperson for the UN World Food Programme; Parul Sachdeva, Country Advisor in India for Give2Asia; Elio Rujano,...

Comunidades Étnicas se unen para Combatir la Violencia anti-Asiática

En medio de una epidemia de incidentes y crímenes de odio contra los asiáticos-americanos, minorías buscan atacar juntas el virus del racismo.

Ethnic Communities Unite to Combat Anti-Asian Violence

In the midst of an epidemic of brutal attacks hate crimes against Asian Americans, ethnic communities are coming together to attack the virus of racism.

Minorías étnicas se quedan atrás en distribución de vacunas COVID-19

 From left to right: Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras, Latino Coalition Against COVID-19; Adam Carbullido, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Association of Asian Pacific...

Vaccine distribution lags behind for communities of color – Racial data needed to correct problem

From left to right: Dr. Daniel Turner-Lloveras, Latino Coalition Against COVID-19; Adam Carbullido, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Association of Asian Pacific...

Volver a la escuela en tiempos de pandemia: ¿Cómo hacerlo de manera segura?

Clockwise from top left: Louis Freedberg, Executive Director of EdSource; Tyrone Howard, Director of the Black Male Institute at UCLA; Akil Vohra, Executive Director...

Back to school during a pandemic: How to do it safely?

Clockwise from top left: Louis Freedberg, Executive Director of EdSource; Tyrone Howard, Director of the Black Male Institute at UCLA; Akil Vohra, Executive Director...

Esenciales pero Desechables: así batallan contra la COVID-19 los trabajadores del campo en California

Un estudio revela el alto grado de exposición al coronavirus en los campos y el profundo impacto en la economía y la salud mental de las familias de los trabajadores.

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