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HomeCOVID Myth Busters 2

COVID Myth Busters 2

In June-August 2022, reporters for Ethnic Media multimedia outlets across California produced Myth Busters 2, continuing a groundbreaking fellowship program coordinated by Ethnic Media Services and funded by the California Department of Public Health’s VaccinateAll58 campaign. Each segment reports on the most dangerous myths about COVID 19 and vaccines circulating in their communities. Also see COVID Myth Busters.

Vaccinating Children is Vital

Our Weekly | Parents should not hesitate, as the CDC pivots and puts more of the onus on individuals, rather than institutions, to limit viral spread.

Дезинформация о Ковид-19 среди славянского населения в Сакраменто

SlavicSac | Covid-19 Misinformation Among Eastern Europeans in Sacramento in Russian and English

COVID-19 Does Not Take a Holiday

Our Weekly | A reminder to the Black community that increases in cases and hospitalizations from COVID-19 usually occurred within a few weeks of holidays.

التضليل الإعلامي حول التطعيم وأثره في المجتمع العربي الأمريكي

Al Enteshar | Misinformation and its impact in the Arab American community.

Can Cow Urine Cure Covid?

India Currents | Covid myths and unsubstantiated cures for the virus abound in the Indian American community.

三藩市: 兒童應​否接種新冠疫苗? 加州公共衛生 副主任這樣說

SkyLink TV | Should children get vaccinated for Covid-19?, a bilingual segment from the first 24/7 Chinese language TV network in U.S.

Misinformation Continues to Shape Course of Pandemic Surges

Our Weekly | The Black community is lagging when it comes to vaccinations. Many African-Americans have been exposed to a variety of covid vaccine myths.

Dispelling Myths from COVID-19 Misinformation on Khmer TV

Khmer TV | The only Cambodian TV Channel in the US reports in Khmer and English, on COVID-19 misinformation and dispelling myths.

Entrevista con Dra. Lucía Abascal – Vacunas contra el COVID-19 para niños y niñas

Alianza News | Podcast with Dr. Lucía Abascal regarding the efficacy and safety provided by vaccines against COVID-19 for boys and girls.

Cộng đồng Việt Nam chung tay bảo vệ con trẻ và diệt trừ dịch bệnh COVID 19

Radio TNT (Sacramento & San Jose) | Vietnamese Community Together Should Vaccinate Our Children Against COVID 19.

Covid 19 sigue entre nosotros, ¿ya vacunó a su niño?

Community Alliance | The success of this vaccination campaign depends largely on the parents. But, many fear the Covid vaccine will affect the growth of their children.

Lời đồn chích vaccine COVID-19 cho trẻ em: Tin giả làm phụ huynh lo sợ

Nguoi Viet | Misinformation on Vaccinating Children Causes Concerns Among Parents, in Vietnamese.

Chích ngừa để trẻ sống chung với COVID-19

Nguoi Viet | Vaccinating Children to Guard Against COVID 19 in Vietnamese.

Importancia de la vacuna contra el Covid 19 para niños

Nuestro Foro | Radio interview with Dr. Lucia Abascal, CA Department of Public Health, about the importance of the Covid 19 vaccine for children 6-months old and up.

Mitos y realidades sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para niños de 0 a 5 años

Radio Indigena | COVID-19 Rapid Response Team sharing information in Mixteco and Spanish on Vaccines and home tests for children 0-5 years of age.

Mitos y realidades sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para niños de 5 a 11 años

Radio Indigena | Interview with community members and health experts about Covid vaccines for children 5-11 years old.

Vacunemos a los ninos de 6 meses a 4 años contra el Covid

Latino TV | Video report on the importance of vaccinating children from 6 months to 4 years old with Covid vaccines.

More Than 90% of Afghanis in California have been Vaccinated

Afghan TV | Still, there are pockets of the Afghani community in the U.S. that are hesitant to be vaccinated because of COVID misinformation.

Miedos infundados limitan vacunación contra COVID-19 en menores de zonas rurales de CA

Peninsula 360 Press | Members of one family in the Bay Area say they don't believe Covid exists and that getting vaccinated puts them at greater risk than any possible infection.

Disinformation Dampens Enthusiasm for COVID Vaccinations

Chico Sol | In Butte County, only 17.7% of children ages 5-11 and 39% ages 12-17 are fully vaccinated, well below statewide averages.

Buenas Tardes con Celina y la invitada Doctora Lucía Abascal

Dr. Lucia Abascal shares her experience as a mom, clarifies myths and the importance of vaccinating children for the future.

Vacunas contra la COVID-19 para niños entre 6 meses y 4 años

El Informador Del Valle | What parents need to know about vaccinating children against COVID-19, especially those ages 6 months to 4 years old (Page 9).

Mitos y verdades: Desviando las mentiras e incertidumbres de la vacuna del C19

El Popular | Myths and truths: Deflecting the lies and uncertainties of the C19 vaccine.

Padres inmigrantes aún piensan que a sus hijos no les va a dar Covid-19 o sus variantes

Impulso News | Immigrant parents still think that their children will not get Covid, despite that it is the fourth leading cause of death in children under one.

No vacunaré a mi bebé porque las comadres me dicen que la vacuna contra covid no es segura

Kiosko Magazine | I will not vaccinate my baby because the "comadres" tell me that the Covid vaccine is not safe.

San Fernando Valley Parents Share Their Views On COVID-19 Baby Vaccine

San Fernando Valley Sun | COVID-19 vaccine for the youngest children brings parental vaccine hesitancy to the surface.

Una pareja de Los Ángeles rechaza vacuna contra Covid hasta no ver secuelas en 15 años

SinMurosNews | An L.A. couple refuses COVID vaccine, "A nurse told us that the real consequences of the vaccine would be known in 15 years."

Las vacunas para bebés y niños pequeños comienzan, pero una madre de Sylmar, como muchas, no está lista para confiar en ella

San Fernando Valley Sun | Infant and Toddler Vaccinations Begin, but One Sylmar Mom, Like Many, Isn’t Ready to Trust It

Mistrust and Misinformation Hold Back Black Vaccination Rates

Richmond Pulse | How misinformation impacted Black families; as one member passed away from COVID, the importance of getting vaccinated hits home.

Mitos en la comunidad latina contra a la vacuna del covid-19

KPFA & KIQI | Interview with Dr. Lucia Abascal sharing her experience about her own children, her ongoing research on global health and support for vaccines.

Fellowship Participants