Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeTagLocal journalism

local journalism

Protecting Local News in the New AI Economy

Over the past two decades traffic has been the cornerstone of the digital news economy. AI is upending that model.

Funded by Big Tech? Calif. Lawmakers Debate the Future of Journalism

On June 27, the California Senate moved to advance Senate Bill (SB) 1327 which would impose a charge on major digital technology platforms to fund local news.

How Can Local Media Face the News Crisis?

As devastating layoffs and growing news deserts fuel uncertainty about the future of journalism, what can save local media?

SB 911 Would Drive a Stake in the Heart of California’s Ethnic Media

SB 911 would dedicate $25 million in state funds to local and ethnic journalism. It would also stab the independent ethnic media sector in the heart. 

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