Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jenny Manrique

Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence Still Struggle to Get Asylum

Despite Trump’s era policies being reversed, the likelihood of finding protection in the US is lower than ever.

Suplantadores del gobierno y productos para curar el COVID: así se aprovechan los estafadores de las comunidades étnicas

Monica Vaca (left), Associate Director, Division of Consumer Response and Operations, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission; Roasrio Mendez (right), Attorney, Division of...

Government Imposters and Fake COVID Cures – How Scammers Rip Off Communities of Color

Across ethnic communities, scams through used car sales and lending agencies have preyed on people in the midst of their financial struggles.

IRS, 350개 언어로 납세자 돕는다- 차일드 택스 크레딧 및 다양한 세제 혜택 확대

차일드 택스 크레딧이 확대되면서 더 많은 이민자 가족들이 세제 혜택을 받을 수 있게 됐다.

國稅局提供35種語言服務納稅人 宣傳子女稅優惠預付款和其他福利


El IRS ayuda a los contribuyentes en 350 idiomas, promoviendo créditos fiscales por hijos y otros beneficios

Con la ampliación del crédito tributario por hijo, más familias inmigrantes buscan acceder a este beneficio.

IRS Helps Taxpayers in 350 Languages – Touting Expanded Child Tax Credits and Other Benefits

With the expansion of the child tax credit, more immigrant families are seeking to access this benefit.

More Women are Targets of Xenophobic Hate

Immigrant women account for most of the victims of hate crimes. Why is this phenomenon so pervasive?

Refuerzos universales o selectivos: ¿Quién debería recibir una tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19?

Monica Gandhi MD, MPH (left), Professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief (Clinical Operations/ Education), the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine,...

Universal or selective boosters: Who should get a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?

Monica Gandhi MD, MPH (left), Professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief (Clinical Operations/ Education), the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine,...

Latinos in Durham Want a Voice in Redistricting — A Kitchen Table Conversation with Spanish Language Media

Overcoming hardship and fear, some Hispanics are attending public hearings to speak out about why they want electoral maps to be redrawn.

Lecciones de la revocatoria en California: movilizar a los votantes étnicos es clave

Los votantes de color rechazaron abrumadoramente destituir al gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, de su cargo en la elección revocatoria. Los resultados destacan cómo movilizar a los votantes étnicos en todo el país.

Latinos en Durham Participan en el Rediseño de Distritos Electorales

Superando las dificultades y el miedo, algunos hispanos están asistiendo a audiencias públicas para hablar sobre por qué quieren que se vuelvan a dibujar los mapas electorales.

Lessons from California Recall – Reaching Ethnic Voters Is Key

Voters of color overwhelmingly rejected ousting CA Governor Gavin Newsom from office in the recall election. The results highlight how to mobilize ethnic voters nationwide.

Activists: Access to Guns and Domestic Violence Are a Deadly Mix

4.5 million women in the US have been threatened with a gun by their domestic partner, 1 million have been shot during a domestic dispute.

Los Angeles’ Diverse Population Reimagines its Rio

First-ever multilingual public opinion poll on Los Angeles River shows strong support for river revitalization. After decades of planning, the moment to turn the dream to reality has come, say the river’s advocates.

La Diversa Población de Los Angeles Re-imagina su Río

Primera encuesta multilingüe de residentes del condado de Los Ángeles, muestra un apoyo contundente a la revitalización del río. Plan Maestro busca invertir $45 mil millones


Clockwise from top left: Melody Cannon-Cutts, Public Health Program Manager, Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services; Terry Supahan, Executive Director, Del...

CDC insta a todos los viajeros a vacunarse

From left to right: Dr. Peggy Honein, State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support Task Force, CDC; Dr. Cindy Friedman, Division of Global Migration and...

CDC urges all travelers to get vaccinated

From left to right: Dr. Peggy Honein, State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support Task Force, CDC; Dr. Cindy Friedman, Division of Global Migration and...

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