Thursday, March 13, 2025

Khalil Abdullah

Khalil Abdullah is Contributing Editor for Ethnic Media Services. He joined New America Media as its first Director in the Washington D.C. office. He has also served as the Lead Facilitator and Editor of the Beat Within, Washington D.C. edition, and Managing Editor of the Washington Afro-American Newspaper.

From Disappointments to Lawsuits over Alabama’s New Redistricting Maps

Even though Alabama has a Black voting age population of 25.9 percent, only one of the seven congressional districts affords African Americans the opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice. 

Redistricting Hearings Redefine What “Public” Means – Alabama and Georgia a Case in Point

If Alice in Wonderland were set in Alabama, Felicia Scalzetti could play the lead role. "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make...

阿拉巴馬州宗教草根團體「普通人社團」關注選區重畫 執行董事拉索:人們懂的

最高额。 支持有住房、社会服务和咨询需求的家庭和个人,尤其是前囚犯。

The Ordinary People Society- Alabama’s Faith-Based Grassroots Group Takes On Redistricting

An advocate and provider for families and individuals in need of housing, social services, and counseling.

조지아 이민자들, 선거구 재획정 통한 공정과 평등 강조

마리아 델 로사리오 팔라시오스(Maria del Rosario Palacios)가 거주하는 조지아주 게인스빌 에는 인도가 없는 도로가 많다. 인도가 있으면 교통량이 많은 도로 주변을 어른과 아이들이 안전하게...


帕拉西歐斯(Maria del Rosario Palacios)居住的喬治亞州蓋恩斯維爾(Gainesville)如果有人行道,當地經常帶孩子一起出門的成人就可以安全穿越繁忙的高速公路。人行道在許多社區是被視為理所當然存在的人身安全設施,粗糙的水泥方塊讓居民可以方便進入超市和其他商店。 帕拉西歐斯指出,沒有人行道是一種日常的諷刺,是對生命持續的威脅。帕拉西歐斯解釋:「這裡的小商業依賴過往行人賺錢,但只要有新聞報導有人在前往超市途中被車輾過,他們會連續幾個月沒有生意。」她表示,負責支配人行道興建資金的現任民選官員並不依靠居住在那裡的選民的選票。 帕拉西歐斯強調,蓋恩斯維爾的雞肉加工廠場勞工缺乏社會服務的問題,在數十年前西語裔移民開始從墨西哥和中南美洲向北遷移到喬治亞州時,就應該要解決。蓋恩斯維爾擁有「世界家禽之都」的稱譽,數個世代的西語裔居民是當地雞肉加工廠的主要勞動力,他們「協助養活這個國家」。 對於喬治亞州州長坎普(Brian Kemp)即將於11月3日舉行關於重畫選區的特別立法會,帕拉西歐斯在喬治亞移民權益聯盟(Georgia Immigrant Rights Alliance )和少數族裔媒體服務中心(Ethnic Media Services)共同舉辦的論壇上提出她的看法。觀察家估計,立法委員至少需要兩周的時間畫分和投票批准喬治亞州的新聯邦國會選區和州立法選區。 新選區必須依照十年一次的人口普查數據畫分。傳統上,重新分配選區邊界在喬治亞州是一項具爭議性的任務,因為這項工作通常是由執政黨選出的立法委員組成委員會來執行。由於喬治亞州立法會是由共和黨掌控,儘管州長有權否決立法會畫出的新選區,但這種情況不太可能發生,因為坎普也是共和黨人。 美國人口普查局數據傳播專家阮安(Luke Anh Nguyen,音譯)在論壇中對喬治亞州的人口變化進行了回顧。喬治亞州過去十年的人口增長數量是美國第五大,少數族裔社區人口的成長讓它的總人口上升到1070萬。然而,以用來分配美國435個國會席次的公式計算,喬治亞州並未能增加新國會席次,只能保留原有的七個席次。 此次論壇還邀請到喬治亞州多個主要移民社區的發言人,他們擔心喬治亞州立法會在選擇選區該如何重畫的標準上缺乏透明性,不確定他們的利益共同體社區在地理上是否能保有完整性,還是會被分割或包圍起來,讓政策和議題優先考量和他們不同的現任立法委員得利。 對帕拉西歐斯而言,人行道的欠缺說明了為何居民需要選出了解社區需求的決策者,其他與會嘉賓也有同感。 亞特蘭大亞洲法律聯誼會(Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta)全州合作夥伴關係主任拉馬詹德蘭(Karuna Ramachandran)提出一個重要且務實的問題:要如何才能確保我們的社區不會被「傑利蠑螈」(gerrymander)?「傑利蠑螈」是美國政治術語,用來形容選區被不當畫分呈現奇怪的形狀,例如一個選區被一分為二,分別被分配到相鄰的其他選區。在這些以選舉為目的重畫的新選區裡,這些居民數十年來一直都是永遠的少數。 拉馬詹德蘭解釋,2018年成立的喬治亞移民權益聯盟受到亞洲法律聯誼會的啟發,意識到移民社區對代表性都有相同的追求,他們非常重視選區重畫。對於喬治亞州立法會拒絕回答會使用哪些標準重畫選區、如何進行選區重畫、以及他們為何未能提供語言服務來幫助喬治亞州的多元社區進一步了解選區重畫和它將如何影響他們的生活,拉馬詹德蘭嚴詞譴責。 泛亞社區服務中心(Center for Pan Asian Community Service, Inc.)副總裁維多莉亞.黃(Victoria Huynh)認同民眾迫切需要語言服務。她說:「我們每年以超過25種不同的語言服務7萬名移民和難民。我們把選區重畫視為一個公共衛生議題。我們關心的還有交通和移民議題。」 維多莉亞.黃提到她開車沿著Buford高速公路經過人口非常稠密、多元化的國際村(International...

Las Comunidades Inmigrantes de Georgia ven la Redistribución de los Distritos Electorales como un Camino a la Paridad

En la comunidad de María del Rosario, si hubiera aceras, permitirían a los adultos – a menudo con niños – atravesar con seguridad las...

Georgia’s Immigrant Communities See Redistricting as a Path to Parity

Observers estimate that legislators will take at least two weeks to draw and then vote to approve new maps of the state’s congressional and state legislative districts. 

Es más fácil conseguir un arma que una prueba de Covid – La coalición multi-racial busca una justa redistribución de los distritos electorales para...

Clockwise from top left: Evan Milligan, Executive Director, Alabama Forward; Rodreshia Russaw, Executive Director, The Ordinary People Society (TOPS); Felicia Scalzetti, Southern Coalition for...

선거구 재조정 챔피언, 에반 밀리건의 공정한 앨라배마 선거구 재조정을 위한 비전

Evan Milligan, Executive Director of Alabama Forward칼릴 압둘라, 에스닉 미디어 서비스 에반 밀리건은 원대한 꿈이 있다. 앨라배마주에서 백인 인구가 감소하는 가운데, 흑인은 물론이고 최근 증가하는...

Campeones de la redistribución de los distritos electorales – La visión de Evan Milligan de un Alabama más libre depende de una redistribución justa...

Evan Milligan tiene anhelos para el estado de Alabama donde las comunidades de color – incluyendo los recién llegados de habla hispana, coreana, china,...

Easier to Get a Gun than a Covid Test – Multi-Racial Coalition Seeks Fair Redistricting To Reshape Alabama’s Priorities

Evan Milligan, who received his firearms training in the Alabama National Guard, harshly critiques his state’s imbalance of priorities.

Redistricting Champions – Evan Milligan’s Vision of a Freer Alabama Hinges on Fair Redistricting

Demographic changes documented by the 2020 Census will lead to a broader, more inclusive culture only if the state’s redistricting process ensures more equal representation for all.

Redistricting Advocates Brace for Gerrymandering After Census Data Release

By Khalil Abdullah, Ethnic Media Services Redistricting advocates across Georgia worry that redistricting – the process by which states every 10 years redraw electoral districts...

犯罪份子夏季出籠挨家挨戶詐騙 芝加哥專家FTC論壇分享防詐騙技巧


El verano trae consigo a estafadores que van de puerta en puerta. Los cazadores de estafadores de Chicago ofrecen consejos en una sesión informativa...

Un impostor puede estar en uniforme, luciendo el logotipo de una empresa de servicios públicos o de un negocio conocido.

여름철 맞아 유행하는 사기 조심해야 – 시카고 연방공정거래위(FTC)기자회견에서 사기유형 공개

사기꾼은 유틸리티 회사 또는 잘 알려진 비즈니스의 로고를 자랑하는 유니폼을 입을 수 있습니다.

Future of housing depends on drawing fairer maps – A conversation with New Orleans activist Andreanecia Morris

Andreanecia Morris, HousingNOLA Executive Director By Khalil Abdullah, Ethnic Media Services Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of EMS profiles of redistricting champions. Andreanecia...

Summer Brings Out Door to Door Scammers – Chicago Fraud Busters Share Tips at FTC Briefing

An imposter may be in uniform, sporting the logo of a utility company or of a well-known business.

No Place in Montana is Too Remote for Scammers – Reaching tribal residents with the swipe of an iPhone

By Khalil Abdullah, Ethnic Media Services For a family in Billings, Montana, a personal apocalypse rode into their lives over the telephone.  The voice was...

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