Tuesday, December 3, 2024

    Selen Ozturk

    California prohíbe las admisiones por legado, un año después del fin de la Acción afirmativa

    Para nivelar las condiciones de los estudiantes, las universidades privadas de California tienen ahora prohibido favorecer a los hijos de donantes y antiguos alumnos.

    What’s the Cost of U.S. Student Debt?

    As nearly 45 million Americans and counting owe over $1.7 trillion in student debt, what’s the future of college affordability?

    One Year After Medi-Cal Renewals, Health Care Expanded for Californians

    A year ago, with the end of the federal COVID emergency, California started redetermining eligibility for the one out of three of its residents on Medi-Cal.

    How Medi-Cal is Being Transformed for One-Third of Californians

    California is on the national front lines of public health, transforming Medi-Cal to include services well beyond the doctor’s office.

    Rompiendo con los estigmas culturales en torno a la enfermedad de Alzheimer


    Health Coverage for Youngest Kids: California Brings Danger to a Head

    What happens when our most vulnerable generation — children between birth and age five — don’t have access to health care? 

    알츠하이머를 둘러싼 문화적 낙인 이해해야

    알츠하이머 질환은 캘리포니아주에서 두번째로 높은 사망원인이지만, 많은 사람들이 이 병을 둘러싼 낙인 때문에 도움을 요청하길 꺼린다.



    First-Ever Listas Campaign Helps Women Prepare for Emergencies

    Listas empowers women with emergency resilience in the face of disasters ranging from extreme heat to winter storms to wildfires.

    Breaking Cultural Stigmas Around Alzheimer’s

    Stigma around Alzheimer’s disease — the second-leading cause of death in California — prevents many communities from getting help.

    What’s New This Tax Season?

    As Tax Day approaches, 2024 brings new ways to file online for free, get more help and claim refunds.

    Looking at California’s Hate Reporting Hotline One Year In

    One year after the multilingual CA vs Hate reporting hotline was launched, how has it answered hate? 

    Generational Wealth Now in Reach for First-Time California Homebuyers

    Homeownership, often the first step for generational wealth, is ever-more unaffordable for California families — especially those of color.

    What’s Leading Women to the Polls?

    As women head to the polls this fall, abuse in office, domestic workers’ rights, reproductive rights and gun control are forefront concerns.

    Can We Fix a Century of Green Card Backlogs?

    Slow-growing U.S. green card caps, delays and waste have characterized the system for a century, and are only worsening under politically polarized immigration laws.

    First Digital Resource Hub Targets Anti-Asian Hate

    With anti-Asian hate skyrocketing in recent years, helping AAPI communities respond to discrimination is more crucial than ever.

    The Muslim Vote: An Overlooked ‘Swing Factor’

    Despite the fact that the Muslim vote is often overlooked, it can swing U.S. elections — particularly in close races.

    Against Huge Deficits, $5 Billion Won for Bay Area Transit

    Facing massive state deficits, advocates won $5.1 billion for Bay Area transit last year by framing transit as an issue of climate and housing.

    How Community Votes Make Political Change

    As the U.S. electorate grows more diverse, mobilizing historically marginalized voters is more politically decisive than ever this election year.

    What’s Safer for Domestic Violence Survivors: Home or the Streets?

    Domestic violence is among the leading causes of homelessness, as victims often face low funds, poor credit and police evictions.

    What Were Last Year’s Biggest Scams?

    On Friday, February 9, the Federal Trade Commission released data showing that nationwide fraud losses topped $10 billion in 2023.

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