Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Covid-19 Chinese

新冠二價疫苗認受性低 專家呼籲華人勿被誤導

Sing Tao Daily | Health care providers say declining vaccination rates pose a potential health risk as new variants of the coronavirus continue to spread.


From left to right: Anna Gorman, Director, Community Partnerships & Programs, LA County Department of Health Services; Miriam Brown, Deputy Director, Emergency Outreach &...


From left to right: Michael Nobleza, Executive Fellow, FUSE Corps, LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs; Monica Nguyen, Program Director, GAIN, LA County Department...


Clockwise from top left: Ernesto Bobadilla, Consumer & Business Affairs Specialist, LA County Department of Consumer & Business Affairs; Carl Kemp, Environmental Health Public...


Clockwise from top left: Dana Pratt, Chief of Tenant Protections, LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs; Azusena Favela, Deputy Director, LA County...


Clockwise from top left: Dr. Ravi Chandra, Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association; HaNhi L. Tran, Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office;...


Clockwise from top left: Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor, First District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Antonia Jimenez, Director, Department of Public Social Services;...


Clockwise from top left: Dr. Ashish K. Jha, Dean, Brown University School of Public Health; Dr. William Schaffner, Professor of Preventive Medicine, Department of...

對全球低收入民眾而言 氣候變遷是新冠疫情的追熱導彈

From left to right: Dr. Anthony LeRoy Westerling, Professor of Management of Complex Systems, UC Merced; Dr. Rajendra Shende, Chairman of TERRE Policy Centre...

科技大企業因疫情獲利數十億 他們有縮小學生數位鴻溝的責任

Clockwise from top left: Pedro Noguera, Dean, USC Rossier School of Education; Shaun R. Harper, Executive Director of the USC Race and Equity Center;...

新冠肺炎風暴下無安身之處 2800萬美國房客面臨被逼遷命運

Clockwise, from top left: Dr. Margot Kushel, executive director of the Center for Vulnerable Populations at the University of California, San Francisco; Nisha Vyas,...

加州冠狀肺炎COVID-19「熱點」的教訓 – 公共衛生規例與現實不符

Clockwise: Dr. Edward Flores, Assistant Professor of Sociology at UC Merced; Michelle Garcia, a nurse practitioner at the Calexico Wellness Center in Calexico; Luis...

冠狀病毒打開了潘多拉盒子 (Pandora’s Box) 的騙局

族裔媒體服務社 (Ethnic Media Services ) Khalil Abdullah撰寫 印第安納州印第安納波利斯 (Indianapolis, IND ) -- 如果威利‧薩頓(Willie Sutton)仍活著,他不會搶劫銀行,更有可能在冠狀肺炎 (COVID-19) 之前,從印第安納州消費者稱因欺詐而損失的近7,000萬美元中奪走一部份,成為騙子藝術家。  聯邦貿易委員會 (FTC) 中西部地區主管托德‧科索 (Todd Kossow) 解釋說:「在聯邦貿易委員會,我們總是說欺詐者是頭條新聞。」 「他們利用當天的主要新聞報導,並找到新的方法取得消費者的個人財務資料。 而冠狀病毒大流行亦不例外。」  科索 (Kossow) 的講話是在一次視像會議上發表的,該族裔媒體主要向印第安納波利斯和附近地區民眾召開會議。...

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