Mar 4 | Speakers to discuss a groundbreaking new report that exposes five key barriers to workplace equity, from systemic discrimination to racialized beauty standards, and presents urgent policy recommendations to drive transformative change.
"We have a responsibility to remind officials they work for us," says Rev. Rhonda Thomas. "If you can’t do your job, then maybe you should be unemployed.”
OpEd/By Christine Chen, Executive Director of APIAVote
Misinformation and disinformation are one of the great challenges facing Asian American and Pacific Islander communities today. They...
"The governor is treating us like this is a plantation and he is a mini-king," said Father José Rodríguez of Orlando's Jesus of Nazareth Episcopal Church.
A survey of high school students revealed that 55.1% described suffering emotional abuse, 44.2% reported persistent feelings of hopelessness and 9% attempted suicide.