Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.
舊金山一名人口普查員招聘者接受「少數族裔媒體服務中心」(Ethnic Media Services)訪問時說:「我們急需工作人員加入,歡迎所有民眾來申請。」
每一個「人口普查地區辦公室」(加州從貝克斯菲到西柯汶納共有30個)需要600名到800名人口普查員,部分地區如北加州的聖他克拉拉縣(Santa Clara County)、聖馬刁縣(San Mateo County)和舊金山提供的時薪高達30美元,聖地牙哥縣(San Diego County)為20.5美元,德諾特縣(Del Norte County)和佛萊斯諾縣(Fresno County)為16.5美元,肯恩縣(Kern County)為17美元,洛杉磯縣八個地區辦公室中,七個提供的時薪為17美元,另外一個為18美元。
Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously...
La Oficina del Censo informa que ha completado su proceso de verificación de direcciones para enviar notificaciones por correo sobre el Censo 2020. Ahora,...
The Census Bureau reports having completed its process of verifying addresses for purposes of mailing notifications about the 2020 Census. Now, it is hiring...
Beneath all that economic activity and seeming prosperity lies another, harsher reality of unemployment, poverty, air pollution and contaminated drinking water.
On Friday, Sept. 27, youth advocates and census experts, from left, Mayra Alvarez, president of The Children’s Partnership, Robert Clinton of the San Francisco...
Veronica Escobar, congresswoman for Texas’ 16th congressional district (Photo:
Organizers have a long and growing history of promoting anti-immigrant policies
By Mark Hedin
Ethnic Media Services
From left: Laura Bassett, Neil Chase, John Stanton, Mark DeSaulnier, Audrey Cooper and Ken Gude discussed journalism industry challenges in a July 31 panel...
Tulsi Gabbard, congresswoman from Hawaii, spent an hour fielding questions from a diverse array of ethnic media journalists in a teleconference on Friday, Aug....
Presidential candidate Andrew Yang addressed ethnic media reporters on July 23 in a conference hosted by EMS.
First in a series of ethnic media conversations...
Presidential candidate Andrew Yang addressed ethnic media reporters on July 23 in a conference hosted by EMS.
First in a series of ethnic media conversations...
The Census Bureau has said it expects to hire about a half-million people nationwide to help in its all-important counting of everybody living in the United States.
For Native Americans, the ethnic group with the highest undercount of any defined by the Census Bureau, diversity and isolation compound the obstacles to achieving a more accurate count.
Los Angeles, el condado más poblado en la California actual, está perdiendo terreno frente al Área de la Bahía de San Francisco y los condados de San Bernardino y Riverside.
California, with one out of eight of the nation's children, risks being seriously shortchanged for another decade if its youngest children are undercounted in...
What’s surprising is that the city of Oxnard is looking to restore the beach and have the community’s input on what they would like to see for the beach.