Friday, March 14, 2025

Peter Schurmann

Peter Schurmann is the online editor for Ethnic Media Services. He previously worked as communications coordinator for the conservation non-profit Earth Innovation Institute. Peter’s reporting has covered a wide variety of topics, from international affairs to education, health and the environment. His work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation and National Catholic Reporter, among other outlets.

‘그들은 가족을 파괴한다’-애틀랜타 한인사회를 상처입히는 암호화폐 사기

애틀랜타 한국 언론의 보도에 따르면 수백 명에 달하는 희생자가 발생한 것으로 추정되는 총 1천만 달러의 손실이 있습니다. 한 여성이 지금 정의를 찾고 있습니다.

‘They Break Up Families’ — Crypto Scam Leaves Lasting Scars for Atlanta’s Korean Community

Reporting by Atlanta's Korean media show losses totaling $10 million with alleged victims in the hundreds. One woman is now looking for justice.

Biden Attacks New Normal in Speech on Democracy

In a prime time speech Thursday President Biden warned of the threat to America's democracy posed by supporters of the former president.

Officials Dither as Climate, Humanitarian Catastrophe Loom Over US-Mexico Border

The end of beer manufacturing and a wave of violence across Mexico's north point to deepening crises along the border region.

‘They Are Very Cunning’ — Editor of Burmese Paper in LA Fears Dark Times Ahead for Myanmar

Thakhin Kai Bwor, editor of the Mynamar Gazette, says the execution of four prodemocracy activists suggests more violence ahead for the troubled country.

What Millions of New Citizens Could Mean for the Next Election Cycle

A new report shows there were 5.19 million newly minted U.S. citizens between 2016 and 2020, a significant and, in key swing states, decisive voting bloc.

Questions and Anger Swirl Over Police Shooting of 23-Year-Old in San Bernardino

Attorneys for the family of 23-year-old Rob Marquise Adams held a press conference Wednesday to denounce what they describe as a “horrific execution.” 

Reclaiming Citizenship — Photo Exhibit Reveals the Struggles of Deported US Veterans

According to some estimates the United States has deported some 94,000 military veterans. A new exhibit highlights their experiences.

The ‘Chronic Rash’ of Ageism in Mainstream Media

The narrative that the nation's woes can be chalked up to the advanced age of its leaders is a sign of rampant ageism in media and society.

‘Invisibility is Not a Superpower’ — Indian Country Today Re-emerges as a National Platform for Native Americans

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting has announced a $500,000 grant to support Indian Country Today, just four years after the paper shut its doors.

High Stakes for Black, Indigenous Voters in Colombia Elections

For Afro Colombian and Indigenous communities in Colombia, Gustavo Petro's campaign represents "the only hope" they have had after decades of violence.

History, Culture Inform Asian American Perspectives on Gun Control

Discussions around gun control legislation too often leave out the voice of immigrant communities that are increasingly being targeted in mass shootings.

For Orange County Shooter, ‘China Dream’ Fed Into Personal Rage

Editor’s Note: On Sunday a 68-year-old man opened fire in a church in Orange County, California, killing one and wounding several others. Both the...



For Filipinos, a ‘Newly Awakened Civic Consciousness’ in Wake of Marcos Win

The election victory of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines has raised alarm bells over the potential slide of the Southeast Asian nation into autocracy.

‘지금까지 겪어보지 못한 세상이 될 것’-우크라이나 전쟁으로 핵전쟁 위협 높아져

세계는 냉전 종식 이래로 볼 수 없었던 핵무장 충돌의 위협에 직면해 있습니다.

‘Un mundo que no hemos visto’ — la guerra en Ucrania aumenta la amenaza de un conflicto nuclear

El mundo se enfrenta a la amenaza de un conflicto armado nuclear como no se había visto desde el final de la Guerra Fría.

A ‘World We Have Not Seen’ — Ukraine War Raises Threat of Nuclear Conflict

The world is confronting the threat of nuclear armed conflict the likes of which has not been seen since the end of the Cold War.

California Offers $10k to College Students for a Year of Public Service

The #CaliforniansforAll College Corps, which will focus on admitting low-income students as well as Dreamers, could serve as a model for other states.

El proyecto de ley de California pretende acabar con una práctica de ejecución hipotecaria de 300 años, manteniendo miles de millones en las comunidades

El proyecto de ley modificaría el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria de California para garantizar que los propietarios de viviendas conserven su patrimonio.

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