A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.
For over three decades, Jeri Green has helped make the decennial census a leading civil rights issue, both as a Census Bureau insider, and now as an advocate for the National Urban League.
For Native Americans, the ethnic group with the highest undercount of any defined by the Census Bureau, diversity and isolation compound the obstacles to achieving a more accurate count.
California, with one out of eight of the nation's children, risks being seriously shortchanged for another decade if its youngest children are undercounted in...
Community stakeholders and local reporters came out in force March 15 to discuss Tulare County’s risk of once more being undercounted in the 2020 Census.
The Constitution requires that America’s decennial census count all persons residing in the United States, not just citizens, a clearly stated objective now at risk.
As the Census Bureau prepares for its 2020 count, concerns about new plans to question respondents about their citizenship status have taken center stage.