From left to right: Anna Gorman, Director, Community Partnerships & Programs, LA County Department of Health Services; Miriam Brown, Deputy Director, Emergency Outreach &...
Kati Daffan (left), Assistant Director, Legal Services Collaboration and Every Community Initiative, Division of Marketing Practices, FTC; Rhonda Perkins (right), Attorney, Every Community Initiative,...
From left to right: Michael Nobleza, Executive Fellow, FUSE Corps, LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs; Monica Nguyen, Program Director, GAIN, LA County Department...
Clockwise from top left: Ernesto Bobadilla, Consumer & Business Affairs Specialist, LA County Department of Consumer & Business Affairs; Carl Kemp, Environmental Health Public...
Clockwise from top left: Dana Pratt, Chief of Tenant Protections, LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs; Azusena Favela, Deputy Director, LA County...
Clockwise from top left: Dr. Ravi Chandra, Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association; HaNhi L. Tran, Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office;...
Clockwise from top left: Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor, First District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Antonia Jimenez, Director, Department of Public Social Services;...