Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeVoting Rights

Voting Rights

As Health Care Access Passes in State Ballots, So Do Ballot Restrictions

As state ballot measures advancing health access are advancing nationwide, so are those restricting ballot access.

AAPI Allies Join Chorus Against Texas Gerrymandering

New voting maps ‘crack’ political power of communities of color

From Disappointments to Lawsuits over Alabama’s New Redistricting Maps

Even though Alabama has a Black voting age population of 25.9 percent, only one of the seven congressional districts affords African Americans the opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice. 

Voting Rights is the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time

Three different proposals to strengthen and create nationwide standards on voting are all stalled in Congress.

Voting Rights Advocates Call for Filibuster Reform

Despite all outreach, minority GOP stubbornly blocks voting rights

Redistricting Hearings Redefine What “Public” Means – Alabama and Georgia a Case in Point

If Alice in Wonderland were set in Alabama, Felicia Scalzetti could play the lead role. "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make...

The Ordinary People Society- Alabama’s Faith-Based Grassroots Group Takes On Redistricting

An advocate and provider for families and individuals in need of housing, social services, and counseling.

Georgia’s Immigrant Communities See Redistricting as a Path to Parity

Observers estimate that legislators will take at least two weeks to draw and then vote to approve new maps of the state’s congressional and state legislative districts. 

California’s Redistricting Process Gives Citizens Lead Roles

California voters have tried to de-politicize the redistricting process by taking it out of the purview of state legislators and establishing a nonpartisan redistricting commission.

Latinos in Durham Want a Voice in Redistricting — A Kitchen Table Conversation with Spanish Language Media

Overcoming hardship and fear, some Hispanics are attending public hearings to speak out about why they want electoral maps to be redrawn.

Lessons from California Recall – Reaching Ethnic Voters Is Key

Voters of color overwhelmingly rejected ousting CA Governor Gavin Newsom from office in the recall election. The results highlight how to mobilize ethnic voters nationwide.

Arizona Activists Battle To Be Heard — Redistricting Hearings Ignore State’s Diversity

The state continues to grow and diversify but the redistricting process is failing to ensure equal political representation for all its voters.

北卡羅萊納州多族裔維權人士要求公平重畫選區 — 從歷史學取教訓

Khalil Abdullah報導/Ethnic Media Services 在少數族裔社區不斷發展的推動下,北卡羅萊納州人口自2010年開始激增 ,這項 實獲得2020年人口普查數據的證實,也讓北卡羅萊納州在國會中 多爭取到一個席次,使該州國會席次增加為14席。卡羅萊納人口統計中心 (Carolina Demography)主 提皮特博士(Rebecca Tippett)指出,所有 選區都得重畫,以符合聯邦法律要求 區必須依人口比例畫分的規定。 選區的形狀和應該包含哪些社區,必須由州立法會決定,方式可能是透過 公聽會 取意見。鑑於共和黨主導的立法會過去重畫選區所採取的作法, 北卡州少數族裔重    權者聯盟對可能出現的結果感到憂心。 維權人士指責,從教育、住房到醫療服務、交通的每一項民生所需項目, 立法會    白人居民的資源都非常不公平。 和提皮特一同參與少數族裔媒體服務中心(Ethnic Media Services)舉辦的 新聞 ...

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