Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeNews BriefingsMasks Are Coming Off, But the CA Housing Industry Remains Unstable

Masks Are Coming Off, But the CA Housing Industry Remains Unstable

Counselors Share Resources to Keep You In Your Home

COVID-19 and the related economic disruption have made an already difficult housing situation for millions of California families even harder. Many Californians have already lost their homes, and these losses have disproportionately impacted low-wage earners who are often Black, indigenous and people of color. Free housing counseling is available across the state for renters and owners who are worried about losing their homes, as well as for small landlords. Panelists will discuss some of these options, in addition to current foreclosures and eviction protections that may be available.


WHEN: Thursday, Mar. 17, 11 am-12 noon PT

Follow the conversation via FaceBook Live: https://fb.me/e/1Jtq6cqyd

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