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HomeTag2022 elections

2022 elections

Voters of Color and Women Saved the Democrats from Disaster

Ethnic Media Services debriefed six experts on their reactions to the election results and what should be done to prepare for the 2024 election.

Midterms Offer Glimpse of ‘New American Majority’

Advocates say changes in the American electorate are not reflected in national polling, which they argue distort expectations and campaign funding.

Biden Attacks New Normal in Speech on Democracy

In a prime time speech Thursday President Biden warned of the threat to America's democracy posed by supporters of the former president.

New Texting Policy Complicates Black Voter Outreach

Advocacy and voting rights groups are voicing concern over the new 10DLC text messaging policy adopted by mobile carriers.

Political Misinformation Meant to Forestall Latino Power Threatens All

At this perilous moment for democracy, the country cannot afford to abandon millions of voters to ongoing misinformation campaigns targeting Latinos.

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