Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



Millions of Muslims Could Face Expulsion from India As New Law Is Implemented

India announced that it is implementing the Citizenship Amendment Act, which could expunge millions of Muslims from India.

Vietnamese American Councilwoman Called ‘Un-American’ for Supporting Bilingual Ballots

A city councilwoman in Morrow, Georgia called her Vietnamese American colleague “un-American” for supporting multilingual ballots.

Elevating the Voices of Invisible People

The SCAN Foundation held a day-long summit to address disparities in health care delivery for marginalized people.

Untouchable in America

Prem Pariyar and his family have suffered from caste discrimination throughout their lives in Nepal. He did not expect to find it in the US.

Voting Rights Advocates Call for Filibuster Reform

Despite all outreach, minority GOP stubbornly blocks voting rights

Media Briefings

Random Flow