A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.
The new leader of Common Cause, Jonathan Stein.
Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.
On the day he assumed leadership of California Common Cause,...
Aquilina Soriano Versoza, from Pilipino Workers Center, spoke in Tagalog about how the COVID-19 pandemic has forced changes in efforts to ensure Asian Americans,...
Arturo Vargas, Executive Director of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO)
Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.
Coronavirus afflicts and delays the...
There are alarming disparities among the African-American community, but no data on impact among Latinos. (Getty Images)
By Araceli Martínez Ortega, La Opinion & Ethnic...
Ditas Katague, Director of the California Complete Count- Census 2020 Office.
Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.
As of April 1, 37.9% of California’s...
Speaker Anthony Williams, Special Projects Director at Bendixen & Amandi International.
Florida’s undercount in the 2010 census lost the state about $20 billion in federal...
Census Day, when the United States takes its once-every-decade collective selfie, is April 1.
Those who don’t include themselves in the decennial snapshot will cost...
Tauanu’u Ve’e, of the Regional Pacific Islander Task Force, stressed that it’s important for their communities that people specify their island of origin when...
Also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean.
In the time of Coronavirus, the state's diverse communities are told that participation in the U.S. Census is...
People gather at the Sequoia Conference Center in Eureka, Humboldt County, for the Tribal Census 2020 Kickoff event. It included childcare, a meal, dancing,...