Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



How Community Votes Make Political Change

As the U.S. electorate grows more diverse, mobilizing historically marginalized voters is more politically decisive than ever this election year.

Fears and Doubts About the 2020 Census? Do It for the Kids

California, with one out of eight of the nation's children, risks being seriously shortchanged for another decade if its youngest children are undercounted in...

‘We Want to be Visible’ — Tulare County Aims to Reverse Census Undercount

Community stakeholders and local reporters came out in force March 15 to discuss Tulare County’s risk of once more being undercounted in the 2020 Census.

Could Congress Ban Citizenship Question from 2020 Census?

Congress may hold the key to stopping the Census Bureau from adding the highly controversial question about citizenship status to the 2020 Census.

Citizenship Question: Still a Challenge to an Accurate 2020 Census

The Constitution requires that America’s decennial census count all persons residing in the United States, not just citizens, a clearly stated objective now at risk.

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