Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



How Community Votes Make Political Change

As the U.S. electorate grows more diverse, mobilizing historically marginalized voters is more politically decisive than ever this election year.

The Ordinary People Society- Alabama’s Faith-Based Grassroots Group Takes On Redistricting

An advocate and provider for families and individuals in need of housing, social services, and counseling.

California’s Redistricting Process Gives Citizens Lead Roles

California voters have tried to de-politicize the redistricting process by taking it out of the purview of state legislators and establishing a nonpartisan redistricting commission.

Easier to Get a Gun than a Covid Test – Multi-Racial Coalition Seeks...

Evan Milligan, who received his firearms training in the Alabama National Guard, harshly critiques his state’s imbalance of priorities.

Alabama Redistricting Fact Sheet

2020 Census figures show that Alabama’s population has grown by 6.3% since 2010, to 5,024,279.

As Minorities Grow, Their Representation Relies on Redistricting

The census results revealed the growth of minority groups that make up almost 40% of the country's population. Today there are 5 million fewer white Caucasians than in 2010.

U.S. Grows Ever-more Diverse – Census Data Show a Multiracial, Urban and Older...

The United States population is more diverse and urban. But overall population growth in the country has slowed, newly released Census Bureau data show.

Census Heroes

Three profiles of the Census heroes, and their deep connection and work with the Hispanic community, keep on encouraging families to respond to the 2020 Census.

Why Asian Americans Should Care About the Early Census Deadline

Whether government investment comes back to your community in the form of school support, or fire trucks, or small business loans depends on an accurate count of how many people are in your community.

MENA Leaders Say Without Census Data We’re Invisible And Disenfranchised

For generations, millions of Americans whose roots lie in the Middle East and North Africa — MENA — have essentially become invisible people because the Census Bureau has denied requests for their own racial category.

Media Briefings

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