Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



Weathering a Nationwide Tripledemic

A surging “tripledemic” of COVID-19, flu and RSV threatens to overburden an already burdened U.S. healthcare system.

Covid Myths Among Latinos in California Begin to Recede

La Opinion | Medical experts in California say they are seeing signs that misinformation among Latinos about Covid 19 is beginning to recede.

My Parents Paid the Ultimate Price for Disinformation

Chico Sol | Misinformation peddlers have been spreading lies for decades – and for journalist Natalie Hanson, the cost is personal.

¿Hemos terminado con las mascarillas? Tres expertos analizan los más recientes descubrimientos

Un nuevo estudio concluye que lavarse las manos y vacunarse ofrecen mayor protección que las mascarillas.

Millions to Lose Coverage During the ‘Unwinding’

Starting in April millions of families could see their health coverage disappear as the government unwinds pandemic-era policies.

Back to the Future with Covid-19

New research shows people who became infected and also got vaccinated have a 40% reduction in their infectiousness.

Farmworkers Still Exposed to Highest Infection Rates — Experts Warn Against Normalizing COVID

Although recognized as essential workers, their work has exposed and continues to expose them to the most severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A ‘National Poisoning’ — Synthetic Drugs Flooding the U.S.-Mexico Border

Synthetic drugs like meth and fentanyl are flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, killing tens of thousands while fueling a growing humanitarian catastrophe.

Covid Treatments Readily Available, But Access Disparities Still Huge

While there is a unique opportunity to address the expected Covid surge this winter with readily available treatments, many people are not accessing them.

Japantown Parents Counter Misinformation About Covid Vaccine

Nichi Bei Weekly | Parents in San Francisco's Japantown are worried that the Covid-19 vaccine and boosters may have adverse effects on their children.

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