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Hey Vinod, Leave That Beach Alone

Billionaire green-tech venture capitalist Vinod Khosla has once again lost in court to keep the public off Martin's Beach.

Hmong Farmers in Siskiyou County Continue Fight Against Law Enforcement Racism

Hmong farmers are seeking a settlement in their battle against Siskiyou County law enforcement, who - they allege - have engaged in discrimination.

Arab Americans Concerned as Searing Heat Grips Jordan, Syria

Al Enteshar | Summer heat waves are scalding Jordan and Syria, leaving U.S. diaspora populations concerned about relatives and friends vulnerable to water and electricity shortages.

Health Officials, CBOs Detail Efforts to Protect Health Care for 15.5 Million Californians

With 15.5 million Medi-Cal members up for renewal, health officials and CBOs are working to ensure Californians maintain continuous coverage.

Covid Makes a Comeback, But New Vaccines Are Around the Corner

Covid-19 will continue to pose a health threat over many years. But updated vaccines are expected to mitigate the severity of infections.

The Ancient Practice of Ayurveda Can Combat Modern Day Extreme Heat

EMS | Practitioners say India's ancient system of medicine and healing can help people cope with rising temperatures.

Eagle Pass Has Been Invaded, And Not by Migrants

This once quiet Texas town has been overrun by a swarm of agents and officers as Gov. Greg Abbot wages war on migrants along the US's southern border.

Houston Event Highlights Efforts to Curb Rise in Stray Pet Population

The Healthy Pets, Healthy Streets initiative offers a range of services intended to address the growing number of stray animals on Houston's streets.

‘If You’re Looking for a Job, Scammers are Looking for You!’

A growing network of criminals are using unregulated online portals to lure in job seekers with promises of quick and easy money.

Texas Southern Border ‘Like a War Zone’

Floating barriers and razor wire now line the Rio Grande along the US-Mex border, one of many obstacles migrants face as they seek to enter the country.

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