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A Shift From Family Caregivers to “CAREGIVERS”

For most Hmong families, family members are the preferred caregivers, but when there is no choice, the alternative is to turn to hired professionals.

Census Heroes

Three profiles of the Census heroes, and their deep connection and work with the Hispanic community, keep on encouraging families to respond to the 2020 Census.

Why Asian Americans Should Care About the Early Census Deadline

Whether government investment comes back to your community in the form of school support, or fire trucks, or small business loans depends on an accurate count of how many people are in your community.

Why is the U.S. Lagging Behind the World in Managing COVID?

The U.S. leads the world in both COVID infections and mortality rates. 5.3 million U.S. residents have been infected, while more than 167,000 have died.

MENA Leaders Say Without Census Data We’re Invisible And Disenfranchised

For generations, millions of Americans whose roots lie in the Middle East and North Africa — MENA — have essentially become invisible people because the Census Bureau has denied requests for their own racial category.

Remittances, Farmers Markets, Migration Flows Collapse – Developing World Reels from Pandemic Fallout

Papademetriou equated the COVID-19 crisis to the Great Depression in the U.S. in the 1930s, and characterized it as an “economic abyss.”

Yes, You Do Have to Choose a Race

Latinos may be tempted – again -- to avoid choosing a racial identity in the census, but if they don't, someone will, says USC Geographer Manuel Pastor.

Growing, Dangerous Fire Season Worsens Pollution in California’s Main Agricultural Areas

Smoke waves from wildfires in Southern California spread to the San Joaquin Valley where they are trapped, reversing improvements in air quality and impacting health.

Central Valley Investment Booms But Leaves Workers Behind

Beneath all that economic activity and seeming prosperity lies another, harsher reality of unemployment, poverty, air pollution and contaminated drinking water.

Why Water Now Flows in East Porterville – Community Outreach the Key

Prop. 1 funding has helped advance a long list of projects up and down the state to provide Californians safe drinking water.

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