Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeNews Exchange

News Exchange

Hundreds Protest Reopening of Dublin Women’s Prison as ICE Facility

Around 500 people, including some former inmates of FCI Dublin gathered near the prison to protest the proposed plan to turn it into an ICE facility.

Activists Target Roadblocks to Fair Redistricting

Challenges to fair redistricting in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama.

Voice for the Sri Lankan Diaspora: Journalist and Activist Hassina Leelarathna Dies

A respected voice in the community, Hassina was known for promoting cross-ethnic dialogue and incubating a new generation of Sri Lankan-American journalists.

The Ordinary People Society- Alabama’s Faith-Based Grassroots Group Takes On Redistricting

An advocate and provider for families and individuals in need of housing, social services, and counseling.

IRS Helps Taxpayers in 350 Languages – Touting Expanded Child Tax Credits and Other Benefits

With the expansion of the child tax credit, more immigrant families are seeking to access this benefit.

Georgia’s Immigrant Communities See Redistricting as a Path to Parity

Observers estimate that legislators will take at least two weeks to draw and then vote to approve new maps of the state’s congressional and state legislative districts. 

California’s Redistricting Process Gives Citizens Lead Roles

California voters have tried to de-politicize the redistricting process by taking it out of the purview of state legislators and establishing a nonpartisan redistricting commission.

More Women are Targets of Xenophobic Hate

Immigrant women account for most of the victims of hate crimes. Why is this phenomenon so pervasive?

FAQ with Dr. Dali Fan on New Vaccine Mandate for Students

Governor Gavin Newsom is directing the California Department of Public Health to add the COVID-19 vaccine to other vaccinations required for in-person school attendance—such as measles, mumps, and rubella.

Lessons from California Recall – Reaching Ethnic Voters Is Key

Voters of color overwhelmingly rejected ousting CA Governor Gavin Newsom from office in the recall election. The results highlight how to mobilize ethnic voters nationwide.

Arizona Activists Battle To Be Heard — Redistricting Hearings Ignore State’s Diversity

The state continues to grow and diversify but the redistricting process is failing to ensure equal political representation for all its voters.

Grandparents May Hold Key to Overcoming COVID Vaccine Hesitancy in Black Community

Black seniors who themselves are vaccinated could be the trusted messengers the community needs to get the Covid vaccination.

Activists: Access to Guns and Domestic Violence Are a Deadly Mix

4.5 million women in the US have been threatened with a gun by their domestic partner, 1 million have been shot during a domestic dispute.

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