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New Voting Maps Expand Representation in Southern States

Across the U.S. South, reluctant state legislatures are falling in line with rulings, by even conservative courts, that their voting systems unfairly sideline minority voters.

Lawsuits Hope to Extinguish Racist Gerrymandering in Multiple States

Voting rights advocates have brought an array of lawsuits in states across the country to stop what they say is an attempt to "rig democracy."

Gerrymandered by Redistricting — AAPI Advocates in Texas’ Harris County Vow to Make...

While the AAPI population in Texas' Harris County has quadrupled in recent decades, new congressional maps diminish their voting power.

Florida Governor Locks Horns with Multi-Faith Communities Over Maps

"We have a responsibility to remind officials they work for us," says Rev. Rhonda Thomas. "If you can’t do your job, then maybe you should be unemployed.”

Vicar of Orlando Churches Blasts Florida Governor DeSantis for Redistricting Maneuver

"The governor is treating us like this is a plantation and he is a mini-king," said Father José Rodríguez of Orlando's Jesus of Nazareth Episcopal Church.

Not Too Soon to Engage in Census 2030

Census 2020 seems to have sustained the attention of a broader swath of America’s public than any census in recent memory.

North Carolina Activists Make Redistricting an Ongoing Rallying Cry

The complexities of redistricting often mean certain communities are left unrepresented by the officials they elect to office.

For Georgia’s Youth, ‘Maps are Our Future’

Youth activists in Georgia say attacks on the franchise are playing out in the state's current redistricting process.

En California la redistribución de los distritos electorales por el Pueblo funciona para...

El recién terminado proceso de redistribución de los distritos electorales en California ofrece un modelo para el resto de Estados Unidos en cuanto al...

In California Redistricting By the People Works for the People

While politicians nationwide try to game the system, in California, it’s all about representation.

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