Sunday, February 16, 2025

Peter Schurmann

Peter Schurmann is the online editor for Ethnic Media Services. He previously worked as communications coordinator for the conservation non-profit Earth Innovation Institute. Peter’s reporting has covered a wide variety of topics, from international affairs to education, health and the environment. His work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation and National Catholic Reporter, among other outlets.



Connecting Farmworkers to Healthcare in California’s Rural North

Promotoras have emerged as an essential piece in California’s ambitious plan to deliver healthcare to all residents regardless of immigration status. 

Honoring Those Working to Create a Healthier and More Just California

Every year the James Irvine Foundation honors leaders for advancing solutions to critical challenges that affect millions of people across California.

Study Highlights Need for Education on Labor Rights in CA’s Nail Salon Industry

Rampant underpaying, employment misclassification, and exposure to toxic chemicals are among the challenges plaguing the sector.

Event Highlights Healthcare, Safety Measures for Local Farmworkers

Farmworkers gathered Tuesday night to learn about ways to stay safe around electrical hazards as well as newly expanded health care opportunities.

‘A Disaster Waiting to Happen’ – Texas, Trump and the Insurrection Act

Invoking the Insurrection Act in response to the standoff at the US-Mexico border in Texas would set a dangerous precedent for involving the US military in civilian affairs.



Tiroteo nocturno ensombrece memorial a trabajadores agrícolas en Half Moon Bay

El acto conmemorativo se centró en los esfuerzos realizados para mejorar las condiciones de los trabajadores agrícolas desde el tiroteo del año pasado, aun cuando otro tiroteo ocurrido 24 horas antes puso de manifiesto los problemas de seguridad existentes.

Overnight Shooting Casts Pall Over Memorial for Farmworkers in Half Moon Bay

The memorial focused on efforts to improve conditions for farmworkers since last year's shooting, even as another shooting 24 hours earlier underscored ongoing safety concerns.

La falsa teoría legal detrás del negacionismo electoral del presidente de la Cámara Johnson

Johnson declaró esta semana a Face the Nation que las elecciones de 2020 eran inconstitucionales basándose en una teoría jurídica desacreditada que, de aplicarse, desharía el núcleo de la democracia estadounidense.

The Bogus Legal Theory Behind House Speaker Johnson’s Election Denialism

Johnson told Face the Nation this week the 2020 election was unconstitutional based on a debunked legal theory that if applied would strike at the heart of American democracy.

‘We Are All Alone’ – Rising Antisemitism Leaves Jewish Americans Feeling Abandoned

Jewish Americans say many progressive groups once seen as allies have turned toward antisemitism since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack and Israel's subsequent war on Gaza.

Al alza los crímenes de odio en Los Ángeles en 2022

La Comisión de Relaciones Humanas del condado de Los Ángeles acaba de publicar su Informe sobre Crímenes de Odio correspondiente a 2022.

High School Rodeo an Antidote to Bullying in California’s Rural North

Participants in high school rodeo say the patience and courage that come with caring for and training horses can help curb the impulses that drive bullying.

Los Angeles Sees Hate Crimes Surge in 2022

LA County’s Commission on Human Relations just released its Hate Crime Report for 2022, showing a spike in hate crimes across the county.

Biden and the Black Press

Four years ago the Black Press helped deliver Biden's message and his eventual victory, a lesson the president appears to have forgotten this time around.

The Supreme Court vs. the Court of Public Opinion

While SCOTUS is the highest court in the land, public trust in the institution has never been lower.

‘God Awful’ — New Poll Finds Arab American Support for Biden Plummeting

A new poll finds a majority of Arab Americans are turning against Biden in the aftermath of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Ethnic Media Coverage Widens News Lens on Israel-Palestine War

For members of the ethnic press, the Israel-Palestine conflict is often seen through the lens of history and the present realities shaping their communities.

Q&A: Will Violence in the Middle East Fuel Further Hate in the US

The war between Hamas and Israel threatens a wider conflagration and could help stoke further antisemitic and Islamophobic sentiment in the US.

Immigrant Photographer Turns Her Lens on Revival of Native Culture in California

An upcoming photo exhibit highlights some of the individuals behind the resurgence of Native American culture along California's central coast.

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