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HomeTagVoting Rights

Voting Rights

The Bogus Legal Theory Behind House Speaker Johnson’s Election Denialism

Johnson told Face the Nation this week the 2020 election was unconstitutional based on a debunked legal theory that if applied would strike at the heart of American democracy.

Lawsuits Challenge Second Class Citizenship Status in Southern States

A quartet of human rights and community advocates from Alabama and Louisiana met recently to reflect on the challenges to achieving equity and fairness.  

Biden Attacks New Normal in Speech on Democracy

In a prime time speech Thursday President Biden warned of the threat to America's democracy posed by supporters of the former president.

A Voting Rights Battlefield in ‘Swing State’ Arizona

A proposition on the November ballot could put a stop to some of the new rules that seek to suppress non-white people’s voting power.

‘When We Fight, We Win’ — A Clarion Call For Fair Redistricting in...

A groundswell of civic engagement is emerging across communities in Mississippi in response to congressional maps that marginalize voters of color.

Mississippi Activists Fight Discriminatory Redistricting Practices

AsAm News | Vietnamese organizers say their community has no representation at any level of government in Mississippi, leaving their concerns unheard and unresolved.

2022 Yields Best Statehouse Redistricting Maps in Pennsylvania’s History

A coalition of community advocacy organizations has achieved remarkable success in securing fairer voting representation for Pennsylvania communities.

Florida Governor Locks Horns with Multi-Faith Communities Over Maps

"We have a responsibility to remind officials they work for us," says Rev. Rhonda Thomas. "If you can’t do your job, then maybe you should be unemployed.”

Not Too Soon to Engage in Census 2030

Census 2020 seems to have sustained the attention of a broader swath of America’s public than any census in recent memory.

For Georgia’s Youth, ‘Maps are Our Future’

Youth activists in Georgia say attacks on the franchise are playing out in the state's current redistricting process.

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