Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Mark Hedin

    Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.

    Congress ‘Has a Role to Play’ in Setting National Voting Rights Standards

    A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.

    California’s Youngest Kids at Acute Risk from Covid-19 — Vaccines Offer Best Protection Around

    More than two years after Covid-19’s onset, there is finally a federally approved vaccine against it in the United States for children age 6 months to 4 years old.

    White Terrorists Pose Top Safety Risk — Focus on Most Violent, Ex-FBI Expert Advises

    Federal and state agencies continue to downplay the threat posed by white supremacist groups that are increasingly entering the mainstream.

    Los Angeles County Dives Into L.A. River Work

    Long-sought new plan sets table for 51 miles of possibilities.

    California Will Pay College Students for Community Work

    In a brand-new program, the first of its kind in the United States, California is offering college students $10,000 in pay and scholarship funding...

    Lawsuits Hope to Extinguish Racist Gerrymandering in Multiple States

    Voting rights advocates have brought an array of lawsuits in states across the country to stop what they say is an attempt to "rig democracy."

    North Carolina Activists Make Redistricting an Ongoing Rallying Cry

    The complexities of redistricting often mean certain communities are left unrepresented by the officials they elect to office.

    There’s Gold in California for Strapped Renters, Homeowners, Landlords

    A March 17 press briefing co-hosted by EMS housing advocates and experts laid out many ways the state is trying to keep Californians housed.

    Los Angeles Launches Largest Guaranteed Income Program in US

    The program is offering $1,000 a month for the next three years to 1,000 ​​people in LA County's poorest neighborhoods.

    County’s Safer at Work Program Saves L.A. Small Businesses Millions

    In LA County, programs that have already saved small businesses millions during the pandemic are looking for ways to expand their outreach into underserved communities.

    Housing, Hate, and Health Top Concerns for AAPI in LA

    The agency will be translating all written materials into the 15 most-used languages in the state and adding more interpreters to its phone lines.

    How to Ease L.A. Homeless Crisis – Voters See Coordination as Key, Not Taxation

    With more than 65,000 people living on Los Angeles County’s streets, there’s desperation in the air. Despite all efforts to address it, the situation...

    在加州 人民畫出為人民服務的選區


    주민의 뜻에 따라 주민이 만든 캘리포니아 선거구 재조정

    미국 전역에서 정치인들이 자신에게 유리하게 선거구를 확정하려 하지만, 캘리포니아주에서는 모든 주민들을 대변하려 한다.

    En California la redistribución de los distritos electorales por el Pueblo funciona para el Pueblo

    El recién terminado proceso de redistribución de los distritos electorales en California ofrece un modelo para el resto de Estados Unidos en cuanto al...

    In California Redistricting By the People Works for the People

    While politicians nationwide try to game the system, in California, it’s all about representation.

    낮은 백신 접종률로 고민하고 있는 버트 카운티

    코로나19로 큰 타격을 입은 캘리포니아주 북부 버트 카운티 주민들은 보건의료당국의 부스터샷 접종 노력에도 불구하고 여전히 백신에 대한 불신을 감추지 못하고 있다.


    試圖提高北加州布特縣(Butte County)新冠疫苗接種率的衛生官員,正在說服當地遭受野火重創、對政府抱持懷疑態度的人口。

    El Condado de Butte lucha contra las bajas tasas de vacunación

    Con apenas la mitad de sus 227,000 personas vacunadas, el condado está a más de 20 puntos porcentuales por detrás de la tasa de vacunación general del estado.

    Butte County Battles Low Vaccination Rate

    With barely half of its 227,000 people vaccinated, the county is more than 20 percentage points behind the state’s overall vaccination rate.

    L.A. 카운티, 코로나 시대 연말연시 우울증 방지 위한 정신건강 상담 제공

    로스앤젤레스 카운티는 자원을 제공하고 정신 건강 문제에 대처하는 데 도움을 줄 것이라고 말했습니다.

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