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透過申報所得稅 您可能符合資格獲得所得稅減免和紓困金

Mark Hedin報導/Ethnic Media Services 在新冠病毒於全球肆虐之際,加州率先成立各項支援計劃,幫助人們度過需求增加、但收入減少的艱難時刻。 洛杉磯縣移民事務局(Office of Immigrant Affairs,簡稱OIA)和少數族裔媒體服務中心(Ethnic Media Services)6月24日舉辦了一場縣民大會,介紹兩項加州最新推出的計劃,「金州紓困計劃」(Golden State Stimulus)和「金州補助金計劃」(Golden State Grant Program),提供數以百萬計加州居民每人數百美元,無論他們是公民還是非公民。 今年剛推出的「金州紓困計劃」,將提供每人600到1200美元紓困金,給約400萬符合所得稅減免(Earned Income Tax Credit)資格或使用個人納稅識別號碼(ITIN)報稅、年收入不超過7萬5000美元的加州納稅人。 2020年因沒有報稅不符合領取紓困金的居民,仍可能符合「金州補助金計劃」資格。這項計劃提供仰賴失業金、CalWorks、社會安全生活補助金(SSI)、一般救濟金(general relief)和其他社會福利生活的民眾每人600美元生活津貼。 參與舉辦這次縣民大會的韓國城青少年與社區中心(Koreatown Youth & Community Center)的「洛杉磯免費報稅服務」(Free Tax Prep...

Presente su declaración de impuestos: podría tener derecho a créditos fiscales y pagos de estímulo

Por Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services En medio de la pandemia mundial de COVID-19, California ha liderado el establecimiento de una variedad de apoyos para...

택스 크레딧, 지원금을 받으려면 세금보고부터 해야

마크 하딘, 에스닉 미디어 서비스(EMS) 캘리포니아 주정부가 코로나19 판데믹 가운데 소득감소로 인한 지원을 필요로 하는 사람들을 위한 다양한 지원방안을 마련했다. 지난 6월 24일 LA카운티 이민과(OIA)와 에스닉미디어서비스(EMS)...

File Your Tax Return – You May Qualify for Tax Credits & Stimulus Payments

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean. By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services Amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, California has led the way in establishing a...

County expands free vaccine program – No appointments needed, but you have to be at least 12 years old

Valentina Pereda, LA-based communications expert and documentary filmmaker (left); Eloisa Gonzalez, M.D., M.P.H., Director for Cardiovascular and School Health, LA County Department of Public...

Los Angeles County Battles Hunger with CalFresh – Solis, community groups encourage applying

Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, First District of the Los Angeles County Board of SupervisorsAlso available in Korean. By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services Among the many...

Arizona’s odd audit has election watchers worried – Traditional safeguards fall victim to partisan theatrics

By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services As Arizona processes a new audit of Maricopa County’s 2.1 million November votes, the nonprofit National Task Force on...

State Streamlines COVID-aid Grants to Small Businesses – Simplified applications to $2 billion program due by May 4

From left to right: Everett Sands, CEO, Lendistry; Pleshette Robertson, CEO and Founder, Sac Cultural Hub; Lamar Heystek, President, ASIAN, Inc.; Julian Cañete, President...

La generosa subvención de la Fundación Irvine ha sido vital para una organización sin fines de lucro que ayuda a los jóvenes de California...

Yammilette Rodríguez, arriba a la derecha, del Instituto de Liderazgo Juvenil (YLI) de Fresno, se reunió en febrero con el nuevo Consejo de Defensa...

Generous Irvine Foundation award vital to nonprofit empowering California youth – Applications open for new round of $250,000 awards

Yammilette Rodriguez, upper right, of the Fresno Youth Leadership Institute, met in February with Madera Community College’s new Student Advocacy Council. (Photo courtesy Youth...

El condado de L.A. ayuda a los propietarios de viviendas afectadas por los costos de COVID; El nuevo programa ofrece una ayuda de hasta...

From left to right: Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Third District, LA County Board of Supervisors; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic...

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