Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Mark Hedin

    Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.

    Congress ‘Has a Role to Play’ in Setting National Voting Rights Standards

    A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.


    洛杉磯縣提供精神健康援助 呼籲居民使用

    Superar la Melancolía de las Fiestas en la Época de la COVID

    El Condado de Los Ángeles brinda ayuda para la salud mental, anima su uso.

    亞太裔加入反對德州「傑利蠑螈」行列 新選區地圖分裂少數族裔社區政治權力


    Beating Holiday Blues in COVID Era

    L.A. County offers mental health aid, urges trying it.

    아시아 태평양계, 텍사스 개리맨더링에 함께 맞서 싸운다

    텍사스주 선거구 재조정, 유색인종 정치력 ‘차별’한다.

    投票權是我們這個時代的民權議題 維權人士要求制定國家標準


    AAPI Allies Join Chorus Against Texas Gerrymandering

    New voting maps ‘crack’ political power of communities of color

    투표권은 우리 시대의 민권 문제- 투표권 관련 전국적 기준 필요

    투표권 보장 운동가들은 “투표권은 우리 시대의 민권 문제”라고 강조하고 있다. 그러나 전국 차원에서 투표권 기준을 제정하는 법안 3건은 현재 의회에서 잠자고 있는 상태다.

    Voting Rights is the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time

    Three different proposals to strengthen and create nationwide standards on voting are all stalled in Congress.

    Voting Rights Advocates Call for Filibuster Reform

    Despite all outreach, minority GOP stubbornly blocks voting rights

    Activists Target Roadblocks to Fair Redistricting

    Challenges to fair redistricting in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama.

    캘리포니아 선거구 재획정, 시민들이 주도한다

    캘리포니아의 현재 선거구 재조정은 초당파적 선거구 재조정 위원회에서 감독합니다.



    El proceso de Redistribución de los distritos electorales en California da papeles principales a los ciudadanos

    California han tratado de despolitizar el proceso de la redistribución de los distritos electorales sacándolo del ámbito de los legisladores estatales y estableciendo una comisión de redistribución de los distritos electorales no partidista.

    California’s Redistricting Process Gives Citizens Lead Roles

    California voters have tried to de-politicize the redistricting process by taking it out of the purview of state legislators and establishing a nonpartisan redistricting commission.

    애리조나 시민운동가들의 목소리 내기 투쟁— 주 선거구 재획정 과정에 이민자들의 의견 실종돼

    주는 계속해서 성장하고 다양화되고 있지만 선거구 재조정 과정은 모든 유권자에게 평등한 정치적 대표성을 보장하는 데 실패했습니다.

    亞利桑那州維權者抗議 重畫選區公聽會漠視該州多元性


    Los activistas de Arizona luchan por ser escuchados – Las audiencias sobre la redistribución de los distritos electorales ignoran la diversidad del estado

    El estado sigue creciendo y diversificándose, pero el proceso de redistribución de distritos no garantiza una representación política equitativa para todos sus votantes.

    Arizona Activists Battle To Be Heard — Redistricting Hearings Ignore State’s Diversity

    The state continues to grow and diversify but the redistricting process is failing to ensure equal political representation for all its voters.

    With just days to go, recall election questions linger: State officials address how and where to vote, replace lost ballots, more

    Joe Kocurek, office of the California Secretary of State By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services Ballots for Tuesday, Sept. 14’s vote on whether or not to...

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