Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Mark Hedin

    Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.

    Congress ‘Has a Role to Play’ in Setting National Voting Rights Standards

    A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.

    COVID-Relief Grants Target Nonprofits and Small Businesses: California’s $4 billion program still has $1.5 billion left – if you apply soon

    From left to right: Everett Sands, CEO, Lendistry; Earl Jones, Treasurer, Bridge Builders Foundation; Jan Masaoka, CEO, California Association of Nonprofits By Mark Hedin,...

    North Carolina Redistricting Fact Sheet

    By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services 2020 Census figures show that North Carolina’s population has grown by 9.48% since 2010, to 10,439,388, more than double...

    Cử tri đi bầu sẽ quyết định cuộc bầu cử bãi nhiệm – Cuộc bỏ phiếu quan trọng đơn giản hơn tưởng tượng

    Dr. Shirley Nash Weber (left), California Secretary of State; Dr. Raphael Sonenshein (right), Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs, Cal...

    La concurrencia decidirá elecciones de destitución – El voto importante es más sencillo de lo que parece

    Dr. Shirley Nash Weber (left), California Secretary of State; Dr. Raphael Sonenshein (right), Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs, Cal...

    가주 주지사 주민소환 선거, 투표율이 결과 좌우할 것

    Dr. Shirley Nash Weber (left), California Secretary of State; Dr. Raphael Sonenshein (right), Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs, Cal...

    Turnout will decide recall election – Important vote is simpler than it seems

    Dr. Shirley Nash Weber (left), California Secretary of State; Dr. Raphael Sonenshein (right), Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs, Cal...

    L.A. County’s eviction fighters – With moratoria ending, aid programs ramp up

    From left to right: Peyman Malaz, LA Center Director, Pars Equality Center; Jessica Hayes, Disaster Recovery Branch Chief, CA Dept. of Housing & Community...

    Alabama Redistricting Fact Sheet

    2020 Census figures show that Alabama’s population has grown by 6.3% since 2010, to 5,024,279.


    From left to right: Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor for the First District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Debra Duardo, Superintendent of Schools, Los...

    어린이들이 코로나에서 가장 안전한 장소는 바로 학교

    From left to right: Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor for the First District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Debra Duardo, Superintendent of Schools, Los...

    EUA se Vuelve Cada vez Más Diverso – Los Datos del Censo Revelan que EUA es Multirracial, Urbano y Más Mayor

    La población de Estados Unidos es más diversa que nunca y cada vez más urbana, según los nuevos datos recogidos en el Censo del 2020. Pero el ritmo del crecimiento de la población en general en el país ha disminuido, según muestran los datos recién publicados por la Oficina del Censo.

    한인 여러분도 ‘캘프레시’ 음식 보조금 신청하세요 LA카운티, 5월 캘프레시 홍보의 달 선언

    힐다 L. 솔리스 LA카운티 수퍼바이저 위원 By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services LA카운티 정부가 코로나19 판데믹으로 인해 고통을 겪은 한인 등 이민자들을 위해 저소득층 식비 지원...

    Las escuelas son el lugar más seguro contra COVID para los niños

    From left to right: Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor for the First District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Debra Duardo, Superintendent of Schools, Los...

    Schools Are Safest Place for Kids from COVID

    From left to right: Hilda L. Solis, Supervisor for the First District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Debra Duardo, Superintendent of Schools, Los...

    미국 인구, 인종적으로 다양화된다 센서스 조사 결과 미국인구 다인종화, 도심화, 노령화 현상 드러나

    2020센서스 자료에 따르면 미국 인구 분포는 더욱 다양해지고 도시 거주가자 더 많아진 것으로 드러났다. 그러나 전체적 인구 증가세는 정체되고 있는 것으로 최근 발표된 센서스 결과 나타났다.

    美國人口有史以來最多元化 人口普查數據呈現出一個種族多元化、都會化、老齡化的美國

    Mark Hedin報導/ETHNIC MEDIA SERVICES 根據最新出爐的2020年人口普查數據,美國人口現在比以往任何時期都更多元化,也益發都會化,但總人口增長速度則放緩。 美國人口普查局8月12日公布第一批2020年人口普查收集的詳細分類資訊,這些資訊將立即被用在重畫選區的過程中,為各州和地方政治管轄區畫定政治邊界,為未來的選舉創造平等人口區域。 這些資訊未來十年也將以其他許多方式被使用,例如,用來決定哪些地方需要興建新學校、醫院或道路,或商業在哪些地方開店可以獲利等。 人口普查局族裔研究與宣導資深顧問瓊斯(Nicholas Jones)說:「與我們過去統計的數字相比,美國人口族裔現在變得更多元化、更多樣性。」 在去年參與回答十道美國人口普查問題的3億3144萬9281位居民當中,有2億零430萬人表示自己和家人是白人,另外有3110萬人表示自己是白人和其他族裔混血,以及另外270萬人表示自己是不包括白人在內的其他族裔混血。 這2億零430萬表示自己是「純白人」的人口比2010年人口普查少了8.6%。 人口普查問卷上的族裔選項將美國人口分類為白人、亞裔、黑人或非裔、美國原住民或阿拉斯加原住民、夏威夷原住民或其他太平洋島裔、其他族裔,還有一個單獨的問題詢問受訪家庭是否是西語裔或拉丁裔。 回答完上述兩個問題後,受訪者會被進一步要求在他們所選的族裔選項後面填寫特定部落或族群。 人口普查局表示,西語裔或拉丁裔的問題與文化認同有關,與外貌無關。數據顯示,北美有6200萬人表示自己是西語裔或拉丁裔,比十年前增加23%,他們同樣被要求在族裔選項後填寫特定族群。 不過,美國過去十年人口增長幅度最大的不是西語裔,而是亞裔,增幅高達36%,共2460萬人,包括混血者。 數據顯示,包括混血者在內的非裔居民現在人口為4690萬人,美國原住民或阿拉斯加原住民為970萬人,夏威夷原住民或其他太平洋島裔為160萬人。 選擇「其他族裔」的人口占美國總人口15.1%,這個族群以新墨西哥州的比例最高,為32%,加州第二,為31.6%,第三是德州,為28.3%。美國選擇「混合二或多個族裔」的居民以夏威夷的比例最高,為25%,其次是新墨西哥州19.9%。 人口普查發現,美國目前總人口比2010年多2270萬人,但增加總數是自1990年以來最少,增幅也是自1930年以來最小。 數據顯示,大部分的人口增長都出現在人口原本就眾多的縣,人口少於5萬人的縣有人口流失現象。人口介於5萬到9萬9999人之間的縣人口增幅平均為4.1%,人口超過10萬人的縣人口增幅平均為9.1%。 美國人口最多的十大城市與十年前相同,依序是紐約市、洛杉磯、芝加哥、休士頓、鳯凰城、費城、聖安東尼奧、聖地牙哥、達拉斯和聖荷西。 唯一不同的是現在排名第五的鳯凰城和排名第六的費城互換名次。這十大城市的都會區人口平均增長8.7%,但鄉村的地區人口則減少2.8%。 人口普查局統計學家制定了一個「多元化指數」,來測量兩個隨機抽樣的人為不同族裔的可能性。 整體而言,這個可能性現在為61.1%,高於2010年的54.9%,德州、內華達州、加州、紐約州、紐澤西州、馬里蘭州、夏威夷州和哥倫比亞特區皆高於65%。 兩個隨機抽樣的人為不同族裔的可能性最低的是新罕布夏州(23.6%)、佛蒙特州和西維吉尼亞州(皆為20.2%)和緬因州(18.5%)。 此外,美國人口呈老化趨勢。年滿18歲者占77.9%,共2億5830萬人,比十年前增加10.1%;未滿18歲者共7310萬人,只比十年增加1.4%。 人口普查局今年4月已先公布各州人口統計數字,以決定每一州是否增加或失去國會席次。 在非疫情時期,人口普查數據通常會在「人口普查日」(Census Day,4月1日)一年後公布,但人口普查局選區重劃和投票權數據辦公室主任懷特霍恩(James Whitehorne)指出:「大家都知道,今年的公布日期延後了。」 2020年人口普查資料目前僅提供與2010年人口普查資料相同的格式(,但會於9月30日以較方便使用的格式在data.census.gov上重新公布。 Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the Oakland Tribune, the Central...

    U.S. Grows Ever-more Diverse – Census Data Show a Multiracial, Urban and Older U.S.

    The United States population is more diverse and urban. But overall population growth in the country has slowed, newly released Census Bureau data show.

    As Food Insecurity Rises – Millions Missing Out on LA County Food Support Programs

    Ethnic American residents are missing out on easily accessible programs that would them keep their families well-nourished and healthy.

    Lessons of the Pandemic – Demanding Equal Access to the Internet as a Human Right

    The Internet has become so central to modern life that access to it is a necessity.

    Key to Democracy – Minnesotans of Color Push for Equity in Redistricting

    By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services Editor’s Note: Mark Hedin reports for EMS’s redistricting newsbeat. Minnesota’s fastest-growing communities, in an effort to have their voices heard...

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