Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Mark Hedin

    Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.

    Congress ‘Has a Role to Play’ in Setting National Voting Rights Standards

    A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.

    El condado de L.A. ayuda a los propietarios de viviendas afectadas por los costos de COVID; El nuevo programa ofrece una ayuda de hasta...

    From left to right: Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Third District, LA County Board of Supervisors; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic...

    協助因新冠疫情損失慘重的房屋業主 洛杉磯縣新計劃提供最高2萬元紓困金

    From left to right: Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Third District, LA County Board of Supervisors; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic...

    LA카운티, 주택소유주 지원 나섰다- 코로나19 주거안정 프로그램, 피해 최대 2만달러 지원

    왼쪽부터 쉴라 쿠엘 LA카운티 수퍼바이저, LA카운티 보건국 엘로이자 곤잘레스 박사, 라파엘 카바잘 LA카운티 소비자 비즈니스국 국장, 다나 프랫 LA카운티 소비자 비즈니스국 주택 테넌트 보호담당...

    LA County Helps Homeowners Hit by COVID Costs – New program offers up to $20,000 relief

    From left to right: Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, Third District, LA County Board of Supervisors; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic...

    教區站出來推動疫苗接種 醫師警告:未接種疫苗前要特別小心

    From left to right: Eloisa Gonzalez, M.D., M.P.H., Director for Cardiovascular and School Health, LA County Department of Public Health (DPH); Isaac Cuevas. Director...

    La arquidiócesis avanza con paso firme. Las vacunas están llegando. Hasta entonces, cuídense, avisan los médicos

    From left to right: Eloisa Gonzalez, M.D., M.P.H., Director for Cardiovascular and School Health, LA County Department of Public Health (DPH); Isaac Cuevas. Director...

    Georgia’s Voting Rights Rollback Faces New Lawsuit

    Sophia Lin Lakin,Voting Rights Project Deputy Director, ACLU S.B. 202 makes it a crime to give water to people waiting to vote By Mark Hedin, Ethnic...

    疫苗接種率上升燃起「群體免疫」希望 社會重開最大的障礙仍是疫苗供應不足

    From left to right: Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, Second District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Dr. Muntu Davis, County Health Officer, Los County...

    Common Cause focuses on 2021 redistricting – Voting districts set this year will last a decade

    Kathay Feng, National Redistricting Director, Common CauseBy Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services Armed with nearly-completed 2020 Census data, states soon will begin adjusting how their...

    La tasa de vacunación da esperanzas para lograr la “inmunidad colectiva”

    From left to right: Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, Second District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Dr. Muntu Davis, County Health Officer, Los County...

    백신 접종 늘면서 ‘집단면역’ 희망 보인다

    왼쪽부터 홀리 J. 미첼 LA카운티 2지역구 수파비이저 위원, LA카운티 보건국 문투 데이비스 박사, LA카운티 보건국 환자안전담당 사라 로페즈 박사, 짐 만지아 세인트존스 웰차일드 패밀리센터...

    백신 홍보 위해 교계와 손잡은 LA카운티 5월까지는 모든 성인 백신 접종 가능 부활절, 봄방학에도 사회적 거리두기 촉구

    왼쪽부터 LA카운티 보건국 엘로이자 곤잘레스 박사, 가톨릭 LA대교구 이민국장, USC 메디컬센터 에리카 플로레스 우리베 박사, LA카운티 이민과 다니엘 샤프 과장, 리고 레예스 LA카운티 이민과...

    Archdiocese Steps Up – Vaccines Are Coming. Until Then, Be Careful, Doctors Warn

    From left to right: Eloisa Gonzalez, M.D., M.P.H., Director for Cardiovascular and School Health, LA County Department of Public Health (DPH); Isaac Cuevas. Director...

    Vaccination Rate Spurs Hope for ‘Herd Immunity’

    From left to right: Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, Second District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Dr. Muntu Davis, County Health Officer, Los County...

    코로나 확진 건수 감소하면서 공립학교 수업 재개, LA교육구, 학생들의 ‘잃어버린 1년’에 초점

    왼쪽부터 캐스린 바거 LA카운티 수퍼바이저, 엘로이자 곤잘레스 LA보건국 대변인, 데브라 두아르도 LA카운티 교육감, 네이선 쿠오 아카디아 고교 12학년 마크 하딘, 에스닉 미디어 서비스 LA카운티 교육구가 학생...

    LA카운티, 몇주내로 식당 영업 확대 가능할듯 코로나 환자, 사망자 감소 추세, 공평한 백신 접종에 만전 카운티내 220만명 최소 1회 백신 접종받아 봄방학 기간 중...

    Promotoras working for a network of 16 community organizations led by the East Los Angeles Women’s Center have reached out to hundreds of thousands...

    新冠確診率下降 學校重開 洛杉磯縣重視學生「失去的一年」

    From left to right: Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles County’s 5th District; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic General Hospital...

    Los casos de COVID han bajado y las escuelas vuelven a abrirse – El condado de Los Angeles se enfoca en el “año perdido”...

    From left to right: Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles County’s 5th District; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic General Hospital...

    COVID Case Rates Drop and Schools Reopen – LA County Focuses on Students’ “Lost Year”

    From left to right: Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles County’s 5th District; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine, LAC+USC Historic General Hospital...


    Promotoras working for a network of 16 community organizations led by the East Los Angeles Women’s Center have reached out to hundreds of thousands...

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