Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Mark Hedin

    Mark Hedin is a reporter for Ethnic Media Services. He has previously written for the San Francisco Examiner, the San Francisco Chronicle, the East Bay Times, Central City Extra, and SF State’s Golden Gater, as well as other papers.

    Congress ‘Has a Role to Play’ in Setting National Voting Rights Standards

    A series of contradictory rulings by the Supreme Court in cases involving redistricting highlight the need for Congress to set national voting rights standards.

    Las ‘Promotoras’ llevan “Dosis de esperanza” a comunidades muy afectadas

    Promotoras working for a network of 16 community organizations led by the East Los Angeles Women’s Center have reached out to hundreds of thousands...

    ‘Promotoras’ Bring “Doses of Hope” to Hard-Hit Communities

    Promotoras working for a network of 16 community organizations led by the East Los Angeles Women’s Center have reached out to hundreds of thousands...

    En pleno COVID, el condado de L.A. se esfuerza para ayudar a las personas que tienen hambre

    Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth Cervantes, Director of Agency Relations and Product Acquisitions, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of...

    LA아시안 노인 절반이 백신 1차 접종 완료, ‘코로나 빈곤’ 극복 위해 무료 음식 배포 확대, 드라이브 스루 음식배포, WIC 캘프레쉬 신청 촉구

    Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth Cervantes, Director of Agency Relations and Product Acquisitions, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of...

    洛杉磯縣在新冠疫情期間忙於協助缺糧民眾 「餓著肚子無法對抗疫情」

    Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth Cervantes, Director of Agency Relations and Product Acquisitions, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of...

    Amid COVID, LA County Hustles to Help the Hungry

    Clockwise from top left: Elizabeth Cervantes, Director of Agency Relations and Product Acquisitions, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank; Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of...

    LA코로나19 상황 희망이 보인다, 이제 중요한 것은 백신 접종 백신은 안전하며 접종은 무료, 체류신분 증명 필요없어 LA카운티 보건국 관계자 밝혀

    From left to right: Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine at the Wellness Center at LAC+USC Historic General Hospital; Dr. Raymond Perry,...

    洛杉磯縣新冠疫情逐漸緩解 疫苗現在是關鍵

    From left to right: Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine at the Wellness Center at LAC+USC Historic General Hospital; Dr. Raymond Perry,...

    L.A. County Gaining Ground on COVID – Vaccine Is Now The Key

    From left to right: Eloisa Gonzalez, MD, MPH, Director of Integrative Medicine at the Wellness Center at LAC+USC Historic General Hospital; Dr. Raymond Perry,...

    洛杉磯縣與洛杉磯市專家警告: 移民改革不可能一蹴而就 慎防詐騙!

    Clockwise from top left: Adriana L. García, Associate Director of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Immigrant Affairs; Rigo Reyes, Executive Director of LA County’s...

    “이민개혁 당장 이뤄지는 것 아냐, 이민사기 조심!” LA 카운티/시청 전문가 경고

    Clockwise from top left: Adriana L. García, Associate Director of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Immigrant Affairs; Rigo Reyes, Executive Director of LA County’s...

    El Condado de L.A. y los expertos de la Ciudad advierten: Las reformas de inmigración no aparecerán de la noche a la mañana: ¡Cuidado...

    Clockwise from top left: Adriana L. García, Associate Director of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Immigrant Affairs; Rigo Reyes, Executive Director of LA County’s...

    L.A. County/City Experts Caution: Immigration reforms Won’t Come Overnight – Watch for Scams!

    Clockwise from top left: Adriana L. García, Associate Director of Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Immigrant Affairs; Rigo Reyes, Executive Director of LA County’s...

    한국어로 주택문제 무료 법률 상담 받으세요 아시안아메리칸 정의진흥센터 LA지부(AAAJ)

    코로나19 상황이 심각해지는 가운데, 아시안아메리칸 정의진흥협회 (Asian Americans Advancing Justice, AAAJ)가 주택 문제로 고통을 겪는 LA카운티 한인들을 위해 한국어로 무료 법률 상담을 실시한다. 이 단체의...

    คนเกาหลี จีน เวียดนาม และไทย ได้รับความช่วยเหลือทางด้านกฏหมายเกี่ยวกับปัญหาที่อยู่อาศัยฟรี

    โดย มาร์ค เฮดิน เอธนิค มีเดีย เซอร์วิส (Ethnic Media Services) ขณะที่ทั้งโลกกำลังประสบปัญหากับการแพร่ระบาดของไวรัสโควิด-19 องค์กรเอเชี่ยนอเมริกันแอดแวนซิ่งจัสทิสซึ่งเป็นองค์กรไม่แสวงหากำไรเสนอความช่วยเหลือทางด้านกฏหมายโดยไม่มีค่าใช้จ่ายสำหรับคนเกาหลี จีน ไทย และเวียดนามในลอสแอนเจเลิสเคาน์ตี้ ซึ่งกำลังพยายามหาหรือรักษาที่อยู่อาศัยที่มีความปลอดภัย โครงการ เฮ้าซิ่ง ไรท์ ลีเกิล เฮ้ลพ์ คลีนิค (Housing Rights Legal Help Clinic)...


    Mark Hedin報導/Ethnic Media Services 正當全世界都在對抗新冠疫情之際,亞美公義促進中心(Asian Americans Advancing Justice)為洛杉磯縣嘗試尋找或希望保有安全住所的華、韓、越、泰裔居民,以他們的語言提供免費法律協助。 這項稱為「住房權利法律協助門診」(Housing Rights Legal Help Clinic)的計劃,將由經過亞美公義促進中心和美國亞太裔法律協會(Asian Pacific American Bar Association)審核、精通英語、中文、韓語、越南語和泰語的律師,透過網路或電話提供關於住房和歧視問題的免費個人法律諮詢。 他們將為低收入或英語能力有限的美國亞裔、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民(Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander,簡稱AANHPI)解決房東騷擾、逼遷、租約糾紛或其他問題。 亞美公義促進中心執行長喬康妮(Connie Chung Joe,音譯)說:「我們知道,英語能力有限的民眾往往得不到應有的權利,因此,我們決定在這個動盪不安的時期站出來保護他們。」 主管律師伊文斯(Charles Evans)說:「我們希望過濾出帶有種族歧視成份的行為。」 第一次電話訪談將了解民眾需要哪一種語言的協助,以及他們的財務狀況是否符合資格(依照聯邦衡量貧困的標準),然後民眾便可以預約門診,時間通常是每個月第二個禮拜二晚上6時到8時。伊文斯表示,根據民眾的需求,民眾可能會被轉介給中心內部的部門,或其他合作組織。 中文服務電話是(800)...

    Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai Offered Free Legal Help on Housing Problems

    A nonprofit is offering free, in-language legal help for Koreans, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese in the Southern California Region trying to find or keep safe housing.

    LA 카운티, 코로나 백신 접종대상 확대 접종자격 완화, 새로운 접종시설 오픈, 백신 물량 확보가 과제

    마크 하딘에스닉 미디어 서비스 미국내 코로나19 사망자가 40만명을 넘어섰다. 이와 관련해 로스 엔젤레스(LA) 카운티 보건국 관계자 3명은 전화로 “가상 타운홀 미팅”을 갖고 LA카운티내 백신 접종...

    El Condado de Los Angeles amplía el acceso a la vacuna contra COVID. Se facilita la elegibilidad y se abren nuevas instalaciones. El mayor...

    Por Mark Hedin. Ethnic Media Services  Cuando la cifra de muertes por la pandemia de COVID-19 en los Estados Unidos superó las 400,000 personas, tres...

    Los Angeles County expands COVID vaccine access, eligibility eases and new facilities open – biggest challenge is supply

    Also available in Spanish and Korean. By Mark Hedin, Ethnic Media Services As the COVID-19 pandemic death toll passed 400,000 in the United States, three Los...

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